Time To Focus On Family

ORIGINALLY Published on: Jun 29, 2010 

Making a difference in the world and empowering others is my passion and will always be of utmost importance in my life!

I long to be able to post to this site and update on a regular basis, but I have just now come to a difficult decision that I need to take a break from updating here.
Due to a difficult time in our family finances I have decided to focus on bringing income in to our home to help us pay our bills.

As soon as time allows I will be back again and continue sharing my passion with you. 

Until you hear from me again remember to always look around you each day and see ways that you can empower and bless others. Together we can make the world a better place! 

Thank you for reading this and thank you for your understanding. :)

Until next time, Remember to Enjoy Life, Smile at a Stranger and Make a Difference in the World! 

Your Friend in Life and in Blessing others, 

Leanne Annett :-) 

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