Don’t Look Away! Holocaust Survivors Relive 7Oct2023

Watch and LISTEN! 😭 7 minute video... WAKE Up World! 🌏

Don’t look away.
These Holocaust survivors relived some of their worst nightmares when Hamas terrorists infiltrated their communities and murdered their family members and loved one.

Israelis have HEART and HUMANITY! 💙 🇮🇱 💙
hamas has ZERO humanity!
... The CHOICE is YOURS! The TIME is NOW!... What will YOUR Choice be?


I am unable to watch this 7 minute video without crying and tears rolling down my face. 😭
Seeing these elderly Israelis who already survived the horror of the Holocaust 80 years ago to now relive those nightmares in their own home in Israel on 7th October 2023 just breaks my heart!

If you watch this video (even if you don't understand the Hebrew) you will see the agony on their faces and hear this pain in their voices. Hearing how their family members were slaughtered in their homes and others stolen and kidnapped to Gaza!

... Multiple ages were murdered and taken by the cowardly, barbaric hamas terrorists!

If you look around you then you will see so much craziness in the world right now.
Protests that are so full of hate and anger that it is difficult to know what may be heading our way in these coming days.

What I can say, firsthand, is that Israelis have kind, generous hearts and it is in their nature from birth to have Hope for now and for the future.

These unthinkable actions that hamas terrorists afflicted in Israel against more than 7000 Israelis on 7 Oct 2023 may have temporarily made hope difficult for Israel to see, but it will return. The Jewish people have been attacked in horrific ways for millennia, but they still exist and they still stand!

Why does Israel and the Jewish people still exist you may wonder?

The answer is simple. Israel and the Jewish people are still here because they are the Beloved of the God of the Bible 📖.

In the Bible in Zechariah 2:8 it says,
"For the Lord of armies says this: “After glory He has sent me against the nations that plunder you, for the one who touches you, Touches the Apple of His Eye."

I certainly would not want to be one of those who stands against the Lord's People!

When I look into the eyes of Israelis or listen to them speaking
... In them I see Love, Peace, Life, Hope, a Giving and Generous Heart and Spirit... Humanity.

On the other hand when I see photos or videos of hamas terrorists and I look into their eyes or listen to them speaking... what I see and hear is the exact opposite from the Israelis...
In the hamas terrorists I see hate, anger, rage, killing and death. ZERO humanity.

Please Wake Up to the Truth and Take a Stand with Israel and Pray for Israel.

🙏 🇮🇱 🕊 ✡︎ 🙏

Am Israel Chai ( עם ישראל חי ) 'The People of Israel Live' 💙 🇮🇱 💙

#PrayByName #BringThemHome #FreeOurKids_il #BringThemHomeNow
#BringBackOurFamily #PrayForIsrael #StandWithIsrael
#StandForIsrael #SpeakUpForIsrael
#IsraelUnderAttack #HamasIsISIS #HamasMassacre

Until next time, Remember to Enjoy Life, Smile at a Stranger and Make a Difference in the World! 

Your Friend in Life 

Leanne Annett <>< 

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